The space is contemporary, comfortable, and void of powerful sounds and harsh lights. The staff is aware of your visit and greets you with the warmth of a trusted friend. Guided to your own state-of-the-art custom designed floatation room, you are immediately comfortable in a space carefully crafted for cleanliness and calm. After simple instruction, a refreshing pre-float shower starts the restorative process, clean and relaxed, your float pool awaits.
Filled with 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt and 12 inches of water, the saline solution is warmed to about 95 degrees, your body is effortlessly suspended, the feeling between the air and water vanishes. The lights fade. Silence. You begin to drift. Unsure of where your body ends and your surroundings begin. The voice inside quiets. The mind opens to oneness as you float motionless. The restorative effects, both mental and physical, begin to take hold.