
Energy and Electricity Sustainability Practices

Whether in your business or home, there are plenty of economic and environmental benefits that come with prioritizing energy efficiency and energy conservation in your daily life. The changing climate has become more apparent than ever, and conserving energy has become an integral part of minimizing our collective environmental footprint. Your daily habits can have a much larger impact than you might realize. As you make little sustainability-oriented changes in your daily routine, you just might inspire others to do the same, creating a positive and long lasting ripple effect for our local and global community. 

Easy and Short Term Solutions

Outlined here are some simple and effective ideas to create better energy saving habits for yourself at home and work.  

  • Minimize your electricity use: turn off lights and electronics when not in use. Unplug them when not in to maximize energy saved. 

  • Minimize your heating and cooling when not in use. Another idea is to leave the thermostat at livable levels and bring clothing layers to add and shed as temperatures fluctuate. 

  • Encourage your family members and/or coworkers to carpool…or better yet, walk or bike to your destination when weather permits.

  • Save water AND energy by taking shorter showers.

  • Same goes for running the dishwasher and laundry washers only when they’re full.

  • Use natural light from the sun as a free and easy way to reduce energy consumption at your home or office. 

  • Change your lightbulbs to long lasting LEDs and see the difference on your next electric bill. 

Future and Longer-Term Solutions

If you’re serious about minimizing your energy use and environmental impact, here are some upgrades you can make to your home or office. The initial investment is well worth the environmental benefits, and pretty soon you’ll start seeing the economic benefits as well. 

  • Invest in better long term heating and cooling solutions for your home or business. There are plenty of local pros who can help you make selections that will suit your long term heating and cooling needs. 

  • Weather-proof your windows and doors, especially in the colder weather months. 

  • Reach out to LPEA and learn more about their "Green Power Program."

  • Check the settings on your washer and dryer, and dishwasher to make sure they are working as efficiently as possible. You’ll save water, electricity, and even keep a little green in your pocket as a result. 

  • Conserve energy by replacing your air filters in your HVAC system as indicated. 

  • Invest in energy and/or water saving appliances such as clothing washers and dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, furnaces, computers, monitors, etc. 

  • Check with your local electricity provider and see if you are a candidate for any of their green living and business rebates. Between electric car chargers and installing solar panels, you just might qualify. 

  • Find a clean energy job! If you’re looking for a change of work scenery, there are plenty of local businesses and/or remote working opportunities to explore. Many industries are evolving in a more sustainable and/or regenerative direction, and are constantly looking to grow their team with like-minded, sustainability-oriented individuals. 


Our daily habits really add up, for better or for worse. It is common knowledge that humankind is at an environmental tipping point and that we all need to do our part to work toward a more regenerative future. Every time you do something on behalf of our planet and community, you inspire those around you, whether at home or at the workplace, to take a stand on behalf of our planet as well. And in so doing, you are helping to create a better, more equitable, sustainable future for us all.