
Waste and Reusables Sustainability Practices

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American generates almost 5 pounds of waste per day. The result is overburdened landfills and a trashed environment. As residents of this area, it is our responsibility to be good stewards of the region. We can’t be perfect, but we can take responsibility to minimize the waste we create on a daily, weekly, and annual basis. All of our habits make a huge difference, so please consider making a few lifestyle changes to create a more sustainable future for our town and world.

Easy and Short Term Solutions

You don’t have to lead a completely zero-waste lifestyle to have a positive impact on the environment. Simply becoming aware of your wasteful habits can be a profound first step in the right direction of creating a long-term sustainability solution. Here are a few ideas to get you started.  

  • Reduce your overall consumption. Buy less! Purchase better quality items that will last longer, and buy secondhand when you can. This goes for everything from furniture, to gear, to household and office supplies, and clothing. Every little bit helps. 

  • If you must buy something new, buy local when possible, instead of online.

  • When purchasing a new item, try to find a version with minimal or at least recycled packaging. 

  • Reduce or eliminate your plastic habit: buy versions of whatever you need in plastic-free versions. And better yet, invest in alternative versions of cutlery, straws, plates, and cups, as their plastic counterparts are clogging our landfills and can be very damaging to aquatic and other wildlife. 

  • Buy multi-use refillable containers for household items such as dish soap and cleaning chemicals and personal care items such as lotions, shampoos, conditioners, etc. 

  • Bring your own reusable containers and buy food staples and household items in bulk. 

  • Meal plan! Meal planning can minimize your grocery trips, cut food costs, and reduce waste by ensuring that you'll use everything you purchase.

Future and Longer-Term Solutions

If you are serious about building more sustainable waste minimization practices, then perhaps focus on some of these solutions to help your household and/or business have a stronger positive impact.

  • Getting rid of old belongings? Instead of throwing them away, donate them to someone in need, a thrift or consignment shop. The old adage is true, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. 

  • This one holds true for businesses and individuals alike: go paperless at every opportunity. Pay bills and send invoices electronically, and use email instead of snail mail.

  • Try composting! According to the EPA, upwards of 30% of American-produced waste is yard waste and food scraps, which could easily be composted instead.

  • For businesses, look at more sustainable and/or carbon neutral packaging options for your products.

  • Go virtual: I know we are all sick of virtual meetings, but they have their place. Instead of having to travel for meetings, see if you can join them over the phone, or computer…or better yet, see if your local colleagues would be interested in a walking meeting. 

  • Go digital: save on paper and ink with digital documents. You can also get off of junk mail lists, request paperless billing, and always opt for digital receipts.


It can feel overwhelming to consider how much needs to change to keep our community and world thriving. But by focusing your personal or business’ energy on these simple and powerful solutions, you can have a profound impact on waste minimization. By taking a proactive approach to a zero-waste lifestyle, you may inspire other Durango citizens to follow your example. Watch your positive impact grow into a lasting ripple effect!